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solano nueva

vizcaya //

Premiere Quality Education
Student-Centered Curriculum
Globally Competitive

Offers not only quality education but also premiere Catholic Institution

Encompasses methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student

Prepares students to be equipped; national and international way

"For God, Family and Country"

- SLS's Maxim

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character makes a man

Saint Louis School, being a Catholic institution, points out the importance of good character in one's life and how it outweighs your academic standing. Hence, "Character Makes a Man"


Be the first to know the deets on what's hot in the campus!

SLS Celebrates 82nd Founding Anniversary

 Saint Louis School commemorates its 82nd Founding Anniversary on the 20th day of February, 2017 to be held at the SLS Jubilee Gymnasium.


    Its 82nd anniversary is nothing but glorious. Taking another year of festival-themed celebration as it did last year.


 Students are seen everywhere in the campus practicing, perfecting their respective dance and finishing their costumes/props. To further describe, they are eager and even honored to be part of the said event. "Transferee ako so bago sakin yung ganitong klaseng celebration kaya talagang sineseryoso ko. Hindi joke yung 82 years kaya dapat maganda po yung performance" said Kathleya Tamani, a Grade 8 student of St. Maximillian Kolbe.


   As to why the MAPEH Department chose to go again with festivals as the theme, this is what they said, "Bongga kasi pag festivals. It's lively, colorful and energetic. Last foundation, SLS was commended for a beautiful execution in all the performances. So we wanted to do that again and hopefully we would transcend last year's performance and beautifully showcase this year's line up of festivals"


  Grade school will showcase festivals from the north while festivals from east and south will be performed by the junior high and senior high, respectively.

Grade 8 students at the corridor painting a piece of their costume

Saint Louis School Beltran Chruch new facade

Saint Louis Beltran Chruch facade: Revamped

  I assume Louisians know the hype behind the on-going trend around social media these days, #SaintLouisBeltranChruch #Newfacade


After all, Saint Louis Beltran Church's newly refurbished facade has been the talk of town. 


  The renovated facade has an overall beige paint with six majestic stained-glass; two vertically lying on each sides and two at the center which depict significant events in Jesus' life alongside the statues of different Saints: St John, St. Luke, St. Louis Beltran, St. Matthew and St. Mark.

   The wide veranda is also something you surely won't miss, giving the facade a modern and classy look to it. The new main door is a two-way wooden door that is simple yet elegant to look at. Lastly, the small garden in front of the facade (left and right side) is what sets it all in all; Making a statement that Solanoans are eco-friendly.


  Ever since, Msgr. Vicente Emilio Tuggadi, HP has been vocal about how "uncanny" the whole church used to look before. And so, he started the project of beautifying it, starting from the facade. He said before, that what a certain Church looks, reflects its community. What he meant was, Solanoans are good people and so he wanted the town Church to look good too. Aside from that, He wanted more people to come to the Church and participate in the Holy Eucharist. He believe it will do so by enriching its appearance.

In the Works: Saint Louis Senior High School Building

 When Senior High School was signed and approved by ex-President, Noynoy Aquino to be offered in all schools nationally, SLS has been one of the schools who readily acquired it. By saying so, SLS became one of the first schools who offered and administered the new curriculum.


 Sain Louis School's senior high school building is being built and is located right next to Saint Louis School Jubilee Gymnasium parallel to Phase 1 elementary building. It took the place of the old food court and Sisters' convent.


 The on-going 4-storey building  will be composed of the cafeteria at the first floor, senior high school classrooms on the second and third floor while different laboratories on the fourth floor.




On-going 4-storey Saint Louis School College Building

For more news refer to The Clarion - The official publication of Saint Louis School or go to: The CLARION (click icon on the left)

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All photos and articles are courtesy of Cha Mamuri

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